1. An organization that consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.
2. A more or less permanent union of countries with some or most political power vested in a central authority.
Confederation, in Canadian context generally explains the process of unity among colonies, incorporation of other colonies and territories during 1860s.
Canadian Confederation was created on July 1st, 1867. It was the process of forming the federal Dominion of Canada. Three British colonies were formed into four Canadian provinces. The two British colonies, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia became provinces of Canada, and the British Province of Canada was divided into Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Confederation for Canada occured under the constitutional act, 1867, which was formaly known as British North America act. It was seperated from Britain under the leadership of Sir John A. Macdonald.
This is a proud moment in Canadian history because it brought unity to Canada and helped in bringing different sects of people to work together and reduce discrimination.